Voice of SAP has been a leading NGO in disability sector to give “VOICE” for rights of Specially Abled People such as Accessibility, Education and Employment to create more inclusive society, accelerating achieving goals of UN SDGs by 2030 as an organization in Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC.
As part of this commitment and actions, VOSAP executed several activities in the US and India in year 2019 with great support of our generous donors and mentorship too! We are happy to present “Nimitt” – our 1st annual report of VOSAP (click this link here) for year 2019 providing details of Vision to Reality journey of “Disproportionate Impact” of donation of money, time and volunteering by all.
COVID19 pandemic and lockdown has provided unprecedented opportunity for all of us to think differently, be thankful for gift of life, for what we have been blessed with especially when we think of Specially Abled People as how they will cope up with the economic slowdown and all related challenges due to COVID19 pandemic.
- As part of Fight Against Corona, VOSAP volunteers decided to step up their efforts to reach out to Specially Abled People in remote, rural, tribal and outskirts of urban areas with kit that includes several grocery items for a month, PPE etc. So far, over 3,500 people have been helped with donations of our volunteers in India and the US (incl 12 companies who matched employee donation). Work is far from over when we learn more about real life challenges these people face during this pandemic and we continue to receive donations in this program. We salute our partners like BPA , SNEH, APH to distribute these kits in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.
- Our youth volunteers (Manushri and Anusha) stepped up their commitment during COVID19 slowdown by starting VOSAP Collegiate program. The program offers UNPAID “Research Internship” with VOSAP to conduct 10 weeks of research in disability as relates to Socio Economic Impact of COVID19, DII (Disability Inclusion Index) score of corporations, Universities, Milestone Judgements to achieve inclusion, rights of SAP – worldwide etc. 16 research topics among 25 outstanding undergraduate students (out of 45 applicants) from USC, UCLA, UNC Chapel Hill, NCSU, UT Austin, Northwestern, Skidmore, UNC Greensboro, Boston University, Cornell to name a few. This data, research findings driven Advocacy will have enormous impact in disability sector.
- Art is a beautiful form of expression. During COVID19 pandemic, it is a great opportunity for artists – painters around the globe of all age to portray their emotions and message with drawing, painting to spread awareness, engage meaningfully to inculcate inclusive values with our students, adults and everyone. VOSAP volunteers under Hiten Shah’s leadership started “Art from Heart” art contest. It already has attracted world renowned artist like Amanda Lynn to offer her services as Judge and Adviser for this contest. We plan exhibition of selected paintings, recognition and prizes of winners to spread awareness as how our volunteers and Divyangjan think of Disability! Please consider to be a sponsor for this advocacy initiative to maximize outreach, impact with attractive prizes for artists!!!
Once again, we thank you all for being part of this amazing, impactful opportunity and journey at VOSAP and look forward to continued support as donor, volunteer, mentor to VOSAP cause.
For sure, VOSAPians (donors, volunteers both) are chosen fortunate people for the opportunity to serve Specially Abled with devotion, “Nimitt” Bhav!