Congratulations Karen Darke for completing Kenya Safari Bike Ride | VOSAP Mission Adventures

Karen Darke and volunteers successfully completed Kenya Safari Bike Ride on August 26 and are trekking to Killimanjaro.

Kenya safari Bike Ride adventure was a thrilling ride for a cause, a ride for mental health awareness, and ultimately a ride for self-discovery. In a world where conversations around depression and suicide are often stigmatized, World Jenny Day, VOSAP and Karen Darke were determined to normalize these discussions.

The team cycled through the picturesque landscapes of Kenya, raising awareness about the importance of mental health.They showed that it’s okay to seek help, to talk openly about one’s struggles, and to support those in need.

Their journey was a reminder that physical activity and the great outdoors can be powerful tools for healing and self-discovery. It demonstrated that cycling, like life, is a series of ups and downs, but with determination and a supportive community, one can overcome any obstacle.

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Voice of SAP (VOSAP) extends heartfelt gratitude to Karen Darke, World Jenny Day, and all the volunteers, team members, and individuals who joined this remarkable expedition, wholeheartedly supporting and championing the cause of inclusion.


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