Accessibility should be viewed as contributor of Economic Expansion, says Pranav Desai during launch of “Sugamya Bharat” mobile app by Govt of India
In response to a call by Honorable PM of India to develop a crowdsourced model, mobile app for public participation in the Accessible India Campaign, on Mar 2nd, Government of India launched “Sugamya Bharat” mobile App. It empowers the citizens to lodge a complaint for non- accessible public places in this mobile app, which then will be routed to local authorities by Govt of India for suitable actions.
Non-compliance related to accessibility under RPWD Act 2016 will attract penalties and possibly imprisonment after Jun 2022. So mass awareness, participation by citizens also is very important using this mobile app for submitting grievances, complaints.
VOSAP founder and architect of Accessible India Campaign, Shri Pranav Desai has been working with the Govt of India on this Campaign since 2014. This campaign was conceived, concept note was provided by him to various stakeholders of Govt of India.
During the nationwide launch of this app for complaints on accessibility, Mr Desai addressed the virtual meeting in presence of Union Minister, Minister of State, Secretary, Joint Secretary, AIC team, Collectors/District Magistrates from 500+ districts, Disability commissioners of all states, other invited officers from state and federal ministries and disability sector representatives.
Mr Desai shared his vision that the success of Accessible India Campaign means acceleration of economic expansion by giving an example of ‘Accessible Tourism’ which has potential of creating thousands of new jobs. He also emphasized that onus is on citizens to create crowdsourced demand for accessibility.
Voice of SAP, an NGO in Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC has its accessibility app since 2017 – VOSAP, which compliments “Sugamya Bharat” app to achieve goals of Accessible India Campaign. VOSAP app, a “Public Utility App” is helping people find accessible places with photographs, location information while “Sugamya Bharat” App is a grievance redressal platform to lodge complaints for places with no Accessibility. VOSAP mobile app has features for its 9,300+ registered volunteers to be “changemakers”, disability rights advocates.
Henceforth, per request of Secretary, Govt of India, VOSAP will work collaboratively with AIC team, share the information on accessibility of public places to accelerate making India Accessible like America!