Voice of SAP team meets H’ble CM, Gujarat, Smt Anandiben Patel

By Lakshita sharma on April 27, 2015

5 points for Specially Abled People, announced by Railway Minister

By Patel Smeet on February 27, 2015

Voice of SAP submits Policy Inputs to NITI Aayog on Assistive Technologies

By Bhavan Pandya on February 07, 2015

Voice of SAP submitted budget related proposal to Railways Minister

By vedangi patel on January 21, 2015

Voice of SAP submitted budget related proposal to MoS, Finance

By vedangi patel on January 21, 2015

Voice of SAP reaches out to the US based NRIs to join the cause

By Pranav Desai on January 21, 2015

Modi ji’s “Mann Ki Baat” for The Specially Abled

By Ishani Joshi on December 03, 2014

Voice of SAP fulfilling Dream of PM of Empowering Persons with Disabilities

By Patel Smeet on December 25, 2014


By Patel Smeet on December 25, 2014