In a landmark judgment to enable the disabled live with dignity and compete with others on equal footing, the Supreme Court ruled that a person’s blindness or physical disabilities is no disqualification for appointment as Judge.


The court took exception to common societal reference to person with Disabilities as “mentally ill”, or “Divyangjan” and said “Our discourse must be couched in terms that reflect the recognition of a human rights model to viewing disability. Insensitive language offends the human dignity of person with disabilities.”


The Bench stated that “There is a critical qualitative difference between the barriers faced by persons with disabilities & other marginalized groups. In order to enable persons with disabilities to lead a life of equal dignity & worth, it is not enough to mandate that discrimination against them is impermissible. That is necessary, but not sufficient. We must equally ensure, as a society, that we provide them the additional support & facilities that are necessary for them to offset the impact of their disability.”


SC Judgement

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