Delhi government on Monday announced that it would provide free equipment to people with disabilities under the Sugamya Sahayak Yojana. The social welfare department has prepared a list of 20 types of essential equipment, including wheelchairs, hearing aids, and walking sticks.

To be eligible for the scheme, a person must have a disability certificate issued by a government-recognized medical authority. The person must also have an annual income of less than Rs. 3 lakh.

“The department will organise camps at different places to distribute the equipment. The people who have a disability of 40% or more will have to apply online and submit a certificate,”. The department will soon sign a five-year memorandum of understanding with Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India to implement the scheme.

The list of 20 equipment is as follows as published in a Government of India notification on May 29, 2022. The notification is available on the website of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. :

  1. Wheelchair
  2. Hearing aid
  3. Walking stick
  4. Crutches
  5. Bathing chair
  6. Toilet seat
  7. Lift
  8. Computer with assistive software
  9. Smart phone with assistive software
  10. Shorthand machine
  11. Braille writer
  12. Books in Braille
  13. Folding walker
  14. Foot care unit
  15. Smart cane
  16. Artificial limb
  17. Tricycle
  18. Smart wheelchair
  19. Wheelchair with seating arrangement
  20. Power wheelchair

Here are some additional details about the Sugamya Sahayak Yojana:

  • The scheme is open to all people with disabilities, regardless of their age, gender, or type of disability.
  • The scheme is funded by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

If you are a person with a disability and would like to apply for the scheme, you can contact your local social welfare department.

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