With inaccessible transportation being an impediment to the social and economic mobility of PWD, India’s slow progress towards…
Interactive Dashboard of 400+ MN records on PwD in the U.S. with Trend Analysis

Like most of the modern technological world, VOSAP believes in the power of data and more specifically, how…
The Evolution of Inclusion in the U.S. for Persons with Disabilities

The ADA defines a person with a disability as a “person who has a physical or mental impairment…
Wall of Exclusion: The American with Disability Act’s Failure to Close the Employment Gap

The representation of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in the workforce has barely improved since the passing of the…
Economic Returns of Nations Investing in the Disability Sector

Due to the preconceived notion that there is a high cost associated with accommodating PWD, many governments and…
Note to ECOSOC It has been five years since the SDGs have been announced by the United Nations.…
VoSAP with GICEA to promote Accessible Smart Cities in Gujarat

Voice of Specially Abled People’s Gujarat team took initiative to organize an event to discuss with Civil Engineers…
Voice of SAP at “Enable Makeathon” Event Held at Bangalore on 23rd January 2016

ये च मूढतमा: लोके ये च बुद्धे: परं गता: | ते एव सुखम् एधन्ते मध्यम: क्लिश्यते जन: ||…
VoSAP’s impact – H’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi to launch “Accessible India Campaign” on Dec 3 2015

आरभ्यते नखलु विघ्नभयेन नीचै: | प्रारभ्य विघ्नविहता विस्मरन्ति मध्या: || विघ्ने: पुन: पुनरपि प्रतिहन्यमाना: | प्रारभ्य चोत्तमजना न…
142 SAPs received Assistive Devices with great efforts from VoSAP’s Dev Bhoomi Dwarka Team

मूकं करोति वाचालं पङ्गुं लङ्घयते गिरिं । यत्कृपा तमहं वन्दे परमानन्द माधवम् ॥ Muukam Karoti Vaacaalam Panggum Langghayate…
Updates on progress made by VoSAP team with collector office, Dev Bhoomi Dwarka

Voice of SAP team of Dev Bhoomi Dwarka is working closely with District collector office to continue to inspire…
Template approach for District Development for SAP – Dev Bhoomi Dwarka District “Sankalp Patra” with 36 points

When justice is denied, when poverty is enforced, when ignorance prevails, and when any one class is made to feel that…
Corporate Appeal for supporting Empowerment of Specially Abled People

Appeal to Corporate Leaders in India_December 21 2014