Excellent opportunity for our undergraduate and graduate students to learn about disability sector related career opportunities by working this summer as an intern on one of several research projects of VOSAP spanning from policy making to law to technology trends to economics, advertisement and employment etc. business functions as relates to disability sector.
Carry out extensive research of available secondary data from online sources, library etc. as well primary data collection by conducting online survey, interviews and present your findings, recommendations to VOSAP and other suitable forums.
Read flyer, learn more about it and apply at interns@voiceofsap.org with your resume, cover letter and one of our team member will contact you.
Here are few links to learn more about VOSAP’s initiatives to engage and recognize talented and compassionate youth.
- Essay Competition and award ceremony on Inclusion and Accessibility
- VOSAP Youth Presenting Paper at UN 58th annual conference on Social Development
Indicative List of Research internship Projects
Here is the link of 28 summer interns, project titles etc. – final week presentation
Technology : Latest innovations in assistive technologies. Research should
- List companies around the world, leading in this area with products, tools, platforms to overcome disability
- Universities and Institutions supporting research programs, courses for students etc. in AT
- Present your findings for each of major disability areas such as Visual impairment, hearing impairment, mobility impairment, learning disabilities
- Products could be for daily living, education, mobility, transportation etc.
- Microsoft has Accessibility checker for MS office. ML/AI and API etc. tools
- Colleges/Intuitions offering courses in AT- engineering, QA/safety standards for wheelchair etc.
Legal Analysis
- List of laws in 5 developed and 5 developing countries to protect rights of PwD. Comparative analysis, its impact and key findings.
- Compliance of laws related to disability rights as measured with # of lawsuits in each state/county by age group, gender etc. dimensions per data availability. Judgements, outcomes analysis in issues of accessibility, employment, domestic violence, abuse etc.
- Important, landmark court judgement in the US, UK, India, Japan, Germany
- Preparedness of the US/nations to manage disaster or pandemic like COVID-19. Specifically impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable population like PwD
- Needs of PwD (survey of NGOs) such as special provisions for testing, financial support, special incentives to caregivers etc. to manage in COVID-19 pandemic
Business Functions
- Trends in Inclusive advertisement as relates to PwD for consumer products, retail etc.
- Outcomes of inclusive advertisements per data collected from those companies and/or trends as learnt from ad agencies creating content
- Analysis of Employment of PwD per type of disability and type of job functions
- Accessibility provisions at workplace, budget and plans to achieve accessibility
- Unemployment of PwD by major countries or states in the US, trends, programs and policy of country/state to promote employment of PwD
- Develop data driven model of Economic advantage of inclusive workforce, hiring of PwD
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Find CSR programs in the disability sector. Analyze type of projects funded, process etc.
- Survey of executives to find budget allocation, expectations for CSR funds in disability
- Document and analyze Impact of flagship CSR initiatives in the US, India and other countries in last 5 years
What would be the last date to submit the Resume?