Retrospect ADA on its 30th anniversary?

History of the Disability Rights Movement: Perception towards disability has undergone a massive transformation since the 1900s, and it happened largely due to the voices raised…

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After 10 weeks of scholarly research conducted by our interns during the VOSAP Research Internship, we are proud to start showcasing parts of their projects.…

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VOSAP @ UC, Berkeley and @Indian Institut...

VOSAP continues to engage under graduate students, youth of prestigious institutions such as UC, Berkeley and IIT (Indian Institute of Technology). On Sep 15, VOSAP…

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VOSAP Art from Heart – Internationa...

VOSAP is a global advocacy organization, in a Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC with mission to achieve inclusion for Specially Abled People. Creative artwork…

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VOSAP introduces Disability Inclusion Ind...

Disability Inclusion Index Voice of Specially Abled People, Inc. Authored by VOSAP Research Interns, Esha Parikh and Anna Sheehan Diversity and Inclusion as relates to…

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2019 Annual report of Voice of SAP and 3 ...

Voice of SAP has been a leading NGO in disability sector to give “VOICE” for rights of Specially Abled People such as Accessibility, Education and…

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VOSAP Art from Heart Contest – 2020  Voice of SAP is a global advocacy non profit organization, promoting Empowerment of Specially Abled People (SAP). The…

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Note to ECOSOC It has been five years since the SDGs have been announced by the United Nations. While there have been noticeable improvements by…

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VOSAP’s Research Internship Program...

Excellent opportunity for our undergraduate and graduate students to learn about disability sector related career opportunities by working this summer as an intern on one…

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COVID-19 pandemic has created huge -ve impact on millions of Specially Abled People/Divyangjan. VOSAP is committed to do what it can to help Divyangjan so…

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