Right Track, Kolkata

RIGHT TRACK is a community based voluntary organisation and Registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act XXVI of 1961. It is located in SouthWest Region of Kolkata Metropolis, near Kolkata dock. It was established in 1988 for social, educational, economical and cultural development for the downtrodden section of the society. The organisation made sincere effort to organise and mobilise the mass movement to inspire them at every stage of livelihood. The aims and objectives of RIGHT TRACK are: To create Mass Awareness among the disadvantaged section regarding their social, educational, economical and cultural predicament. To facilitate process towards building of a Civil Society through collective action, participation and community based initiatives. To make basic services, i.e. education, recreation, vocational training and counselling for growth and development accessible to working children. To make them aware of their rights and the potential by which they can utilise their inherent resources and more productivity.


Ashraf Mohammed



West Bengal





Child welfare, Disability, Education, Environment, Human Rights, Micro-enterprises, Minorities, Population, Training, Women’s issues