RIVER, Kolkata

RIVER, a professionally managed ngo is working on health, education and livelihood of disadvantaged slum dwellers in the suburbs of Kolkata, 24-Parganas and adjoining Howrah, Medinipur since 2003. Having a nation-building endeavor, River believes to strengthen the capacities of the marginal people by ensuring rights and access to the existing services provided by the government and other agencies. To complement Government initiatives, River initiates and promotes effective intervention through direct services, awareness generation and community sensitization since its formation. In the last couple of Years River has been engaged in direct health services through community-based clinic for slum dwellers on Saturdays.



Sanchari Dutta



West Bengal



91-33-25789658, 91-33-25776688, 91-33-21154104

riverKolkata@yahoo.co.in, river.Kolkata@gmail.com