Days after Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud himself rose amidst a hearing to meet a disabled litigant outside the courtroom, CJI has now formed a committee which will look into difficulties being faced by the disabled while accessing the Supreme Court premises.The committee known as “ Supreme Court Committee on Accessibility” will be headed by Justice S Ravindra Bhat and has been tasked with conducting a comprehensive accessibility audit of the Supreme Court premises.
The audit will extend to both physical as well as technology accessibility, a press release issued by the apex court on Sunday said.
The Committee has also been tasked to prepare and release a questionnaire for persons with disabilities, who visit the Supreme Court premises to assess the nature and extent of the problems they face.
The committee also comprises of:
– A Professor from NLSIU, Bengaluru;
– Differently Abled employee of Supreme Court;
– Differently Abled Advocate nominated by Supreme Court Bar Association;
– Person nominated by the Centre for Disability Studies at NALSAR University.
An officer of the Supreme Court registry will be the member secretary of the committee.
“Inputs will also be sought by the Committee from Supreme Court Advocates, litigants, interns etc. The Committee also including a Professor from NLU Bengaluru shall prepare a report which contains the results of the audit and survey and shall recommend proposals geared towards removing barriers to access,” the press release said.
Read the Press Release- Click Here!
News Credit- Bar and Bench