Participant Name | Participant Country | Participant City | Participant Age | Essay Name (Click to Read and Like) |
Dhawal Gandhi | India | Ahmedabad | 40 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Rajesh Kumar | India | Delhi | 31 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Hiral Shah | India | Naliya | 27 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Aniket Meeruty | India | Vadodara | 29 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Dhairya Parikh | India | Mumbai | 32 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Saumil Vadodaria | United Kingdom | London | 40 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Maitri Katta | India | Rajkot | 28 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Kartikey Desai | United States | Chicago | 28 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Sikhya Babu | India | Ahmedabad | 35 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Krutika Patel | India | Ahmedabad | 27 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Manushri Desai | United States | Los Angeles | 25 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Hiranya Kamdar | United States | Gainesville | 25 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
SRUSHTI MANDANI | India | Ahmedabad | 25 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Dr-Ritendra Rathore | India | Surendranagar | 34 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Om Shah | India | Ahmedabad | 25 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Sachi Shah | India | Surat | 25 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Arun Kumar | India | Delhi | 29 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
CHANCHAL SHAKYA | India | New Delhi | 31 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Rushika Hathi | India | Porbandar | 34 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Mohd Faiz | India | New Delhi | 25 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Urmila Vaghmashi | India | Surat | 30 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Ankita Patel | India | Chandkheda | 36 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Jnaninee Malaviya | Canada | Vancouver | 32 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
sapna khatter | India | Rajkot | 40 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Falguni Prajapati | India | Kadi | 32 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Sukanya Nayak | India | Bengaluru | 25 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Deven Desai | United States | Los Angeles | 34 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Devid Joshi | India | Ahmedabad | 37 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Manisha Surana | India | Ujjain | 30 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Mathavadiya Kajal Mathavadiya Kajal | India | Mahuva | 26 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Ms. Shahina | India | Guwahati | 30 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Krishna Krishna | India | Gandhinagar | 35 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Swarup Varu | India | Anjar | 30 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
dharamsingbhai vasava | India | Ahmedabad | 31 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Neha Zala | India | Ahmedabad | 33 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
HARSH AGHERA | India | Ahmedabad | 26 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Mr. Deepak Sindhe | India | Bangalore | 36 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Mitali Srivastava | India | Ahmedabad | 27 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Rahul Khanna | India | Yamunanagar | 40 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
kanksha anjaria | India | Ahmedabad | 25 | Click to Read, Like and Share |
Our Esteemed and diverse Jury with language, subject matter expertise that rated all the entries comprised of:
1. Dr. Usha Upadhyay- Poet and Dean of Arts at Gujarat Vidyapeeth, India
2. Dr. Gaurang Jani – Social activist and Professor at Gujarat University, India
3. Shri Jasubhai Kavi – Writer and Ex-principal of Blind People’s Association from India
4. Ms Nandita Thakor – Poet, Journalist, US
5. Ms Usha Desai – VOSAP Co-Founder, US
We compiled the scores given by the Jury and based on the average scores, the TOP 40 Essays proceeded to the Round Two which ended on November 10, 2018.
In fact, VOSAP believes that every contestant that participated is a winner for their ability of sharing their ideas and emotions by writing excellent essays. Every VOSAP Essay Competition participant received VOSAP Certificate of Volunteering for their efforts.
We were encouraged with the average age of the participants being 24 years, as our future generation deeply values is Inclusivity in thought and action. We want to give special mention to 4 participants who are 13-15 years old – Arjav Shah, Mitarth Soni, Shubham Kamdar and Vaishali Shah.
The Jury enjoyed reading all the ideas presented in essays from a wide variety of participants, diverse background in terms of age, exposure to small town in India to metro cities like Chicago, living experiences, academic background (arts, engineering, scientists), knowledge and geographical location, both in India and around the world (UK, Canada, USA, Japan)
What Next? – Application is closed now
- Per rules of the VOSAP ESSAY competition (here is the reference link for the rules), each one of you have opportunity to be the WINNER by (a) contributing to VOSAP cause as volunteer using VOSAP mobile app and (b) popularity of your essay per number of likes (FaceBook or manual).
- For popularity ranking of the essay – 3 options are there. Whichever essay you like from this list below (table of round 1 winners), (a) click “Manual Like” button, enter your name, phone # and email then submit or (b) FB share of the essay on your FaceBook wall or (c) just click on FB like button. Total likes will be counted for popularity round for each essay
- For VOSAP mobile app based points, you will get 5 points per approved building access rating and 10 points per new volunteer that you inspire to join and take VOSAP pledge by “Send Email to Take Pledge” button on “Pledge” screen of VOSAP app. You can see who took pledge and track your score by sending email from VOSAP app. Let us start volunteering, inspiring our family and friends to take “VOSAP Pledge” and WIN!
For any questions, call any of our volunteers with whom you worked during essay submission, they will guide you as to how you can score more to be the winner of VOSAP ESSAY COMPETITION!