Voice of SAP enables 750+ people (6000+ so far) every quarter with surgical interventions (Cataract Surgeries) at Porecha Eye Hospital, BPA, Bareja at Free Cost to Patients with success rate of 90-99% improvement in patients.
This program is executed by VOSAP partner Blind People’s Association, India. The program helps people living in rural, remote and economically backward areas of villages in Gujarat.
Raziya Banu is 52 years old and lives in Rakhiyal area of Ahmedabad. Her family has 10 members. She is a diabetic patient and was facing issues with vision for 9-10 months. On being asked whether she was satisfied by care provided here, she shared, “I have never experienced so much love and care at any hospital in my life. The staff and people here have taken very well care and assisted her throughout the process from undergoing test reports to eye surgery.”
After learning about the impact of Voice of SAP and understanding the efforts we make everyday to change Lives, she hugged me. It was very sentimental and touching. I could feel the joy and warmth in her heart and it was very over whelming for me.
She expressed her gratitude, “I am really thankful to all the donors of the organization who are providing such great support so people like us have a chance to have a better life. I will pray for good health and long life of all so God may give you more strength for doing such service for us.”