The National Association for the Blind works with visually impaired people of all age groups, and runs a number of programs that range from providing Integrated education and Vocational Training to visually impaired children and adults, to designing certifiable courses and recording audio books.


The history of the National Association for the Blind, India too dates back to 1947 by Mr. Mangulal Jethalal Shah. Mr. B. G. Kher, the then Premier of Bombay Province moved a resolution at the First All India Conference for the Blind held in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), which resulted into Foundation of National Association for the Blind.


The National Association for the Blind, Gujarat State Branch (NAB GSB) has taken the lead in offering all services for the education, training and employment of the blind to the remotest corners of the State of Gujarat.


The activities of State Branch, District Branch and Taluka Branches are available on the portal. This site provides soft copies of all the laws, policies and schemes, notifications, Executive Orders, Circulars etc. pertaining to disability sector.


Here is the link to access all the details related to disability sector:

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