VOSAP founder (Pranav Desai) and Corporate Outreach leader (Vijay Rai) with
46 students of IIPA Leadership Program (IAS, IRS, IFS etc. bureaucrats and diplomats)
- IIPA (Indian Institute of Public Administration), established in 1954 under Ministry of Personnel, Govt. of India trains IAS, IRS, IFS and other Indian civil services officers for leadership training. From around the country, selected 46 bureaucrats and diplomats are undergoing 1 year of leadership program at IIPA which includes their leadership training in the US/Australia also.
- Shri Vijay Rai, VOSAP’s lead volunteer in Delhi worked with IIPA to organize 2 hours session for VOSAP founder Pranav Desai at IIPA on Dec 4 2019. Pranav Desai explained to the batch of 46 bureaucrats, diplomats about global disability sector, how world is coming together to mainstream Persons with Disabilities, importance of accessibility and assistive devices, compassionate capitalism, how India has stepped up its efforts by bringing new law RPwD 2016, Accessible India Campaign and how it provides huge economic opportunity in role as LEADER, change makers with authority as highly ranked civil servant.
- This session was received as the most informative one per feedback. It inspired and sensitized them to “Think Differently, Think Inclusively” and look at untapped economic opportunities in disability sector, understand what all they can do as policy makers and implementer for Govt of India to realize goal of $ 5 TN economy by unlocking potential of disability sector.
- Voice of SAP is thankful to Dr Neetu Jain, Program co-oridnator and Shri Surendra Nath Tripathi, IAS and Director of IIPA for the opportunity to spread awareness and different narrative on disability (VOSAP advocacy) to these 46, highly positioned leaders (bureaucrats and diplomats) of India.
VOSAP founder (Pranav Desai) and Corporate Outreach leader (Vijay Rai) with Director, IIPA Shri Surendra Nath Tripathi, IAS