VOSAP is a global advocacy organization, in a Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC with mission to achieve inclusion for Specially Abled People. Creative artwork is an excellent medium to connect masses with the mission, give highly inspiring, emotional messages to the society to think differently, think inclusively for Persons with Disabilities.
To harness this potential, spread awareness among thousands of artists, VOSAP Art from Heart – International art contest with theme on DISABILITY was launched on June 1st 2020. Phase 1 of registration was completed by Jul 31 2020 with participation from artists from 52 countries (including 34 states of India and 22 states of America) and 889 cities. 14% of registrations is from artist community with disabilities who found a global platform, outreach opportunity to present their talent. 74% artists are below age of 30 which is very encouraging as inclusion is understood by the youth, who will practice it for rest of life.
Subsequently, online submissions were completed by August 31 2020. Beautiful artwork entries have come and our panel of 9 judges are evaluating these entries, message on disability.
Next steps:
- Every participant is encouraged to share their participation by tagging VOSAP on Instagram (vosap.official) with their selfie, using camera effects given here.
- Camera Effect link for FB – https://www.facebook.com/fbcameraeffects/tryit/3256455511078643/
- Camera Effect link for Insta – https://www.instagram.com/ar/2629154904005968
2. We aim for results to be declared by Oct 31 2020 on our website. 50+ prizes incl recognition of #1 artist of 20 countries. Panel of Judges (from the US, UK and India) are evaluating these online entries.
3. Award ceremony on Dec 3 2020 – International Day for Persons with Disabilities. Winners, artists from every country will be recognized, in virtual presence of judges, prominent leaders and artists. Details will be shared on website as they are finalized.
Together, let us create more inclusive world by spreading your participation, compassion for Specially Abled People.