Volunteering at Voice of SAP goes beyond a mere contribution of time and skills; it presents a profound opportunity to positively impact the lives of countless individuals. By joining this powerful movement, you become part of a mission to foster an inclusive and compassionate world for Specially Abled People, leaving a lasting mark on society.

Such outstanding commitment has earned Voice of SAP the recognition it deserves. In 2021, the organization was granted the prestigious and esteemed “President’s Volunteer Service Award”, letter from White House!. This national award in the US is bestowed to acknowledge high-tier volunteering service and is a testament to the significant impact that VOSAP has made in the lives of many.

VOSAP’s Ignite Program offers volunteering opportunities for high school students in the USA. It is truly remarkable that more than 100+ exceptional high school students have completed 5000+ hours of volunteering through this program. Their dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, as 18 of these students have been honored with the coveted PVSA award for their outstanding volunteering contributions.

By being part of Voice of SAP and its impactful initiatives at such an early stage that too for 9 months of structured volunteering, mentoring by VOSAPians, Ignite volunteers become future compassionate leaders, catalysts for change, touching hearts, and transforming lives. Together, we create a world where empathy, understanding, and support for Specially Abled People flourish, leaving an indelible legacy of compassion and empowerment.

Here are the PVSA awardees of VOSAP Ignite Batches.

Sara Karnik

Mihika Mishra

Parth Dama

Rohan Kaushikan

Krish Lariya

Ankita Chaugule

Pratyush Mohapatra

Khushi Patel

Shloke Dave

Om Patel

Manav Desai

Neel Thakkar

Juhi Pancholy

Akhil Chamarti

Suhani Mehta

Eva Gujarathi

Aashita Anand

Nihaan Kothari

 Experiences of our Ignite Volunteers:

  • Khushi Patel: I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to volunteer alongside VOSAP. Through the Ignite program, I was able to collaborate with like minded peers who were similarly passionate about advocating for the specially abled people. Through community outreach, online media content, and written articles, I was able to play a part in furthering the advancement of specially abled people. I truly enjoyed my time volunteering with VOSAP this past year and I can’t wait to see what we will accomplish together in the future!
  • Om Patel: Volunteering with the Voice of Specially Abled People has been an incredibly rewarding journey. It’s a privilege to contribute to such a noble cause and witness the positive impact we make in the lives of individuals with disabilities. I’m grateful for this opportunity to make a difference.
  • Mihika Mishra: Being a part of VOSAP’s mission has been nothing short of an enlightening experience. I have met so many motivated students like myself who share VOSAP’s vision of building an inclusive world where physical barriers are not in the way of people letting their abilities and passions thrive — I feel completely at home and absolutely honored to work alongside such spirited peers. I have learned invaluable writing and communication skills along with the magnitude of the impact VOSAP has made; I hope to be involved in the disability sector long after my years in Ignite.
  • Krish Lariya: VOSAP ignite was a very fun and inclusive Program. We did many fun projects like an instagram post as well as doing activities like rating buildings. The leads of ignite were very helpful and always answered questions we had and provided support for us. VOSAP ignite taught me how to collaborate and work as a team.
  • Stavan Shah: Being part of VOSAP has been a life-changing experience. I have been able to connect my passion for researching and debate with advocacy for Specially Abled People allowing me to make an impact in the lives of others.  I have gained immense knowledge and awareness in the field of accessibility, something I never had. I am grateful for VOSAP giving me the opportunity to help spread such a positive message and allowing me to learn new things every day