Voice of Specially Abled People team met with H’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis ji during his visit to Los Angeles, California, USA at a private dinner function arranged at residence of Shri Ravi ji.
VoSAP team explained opportunities in Assistive Technology sector to become Global manufacturing Hub, need to consider inclusive policies, Govt. initiatives, building codes, inclusive School education etc. Specifically, following points were shared with Shri Fadnavis ji for his attention and actions. The response of the Chief Minister, Maharashtra was positive and he took great interest into proposal points during discussions with Founder, Pranav Desai.
VoSAP has large number of active volunteers and hundreds of supporters from state of Maharashtra and they are all looking forward to work with Govt. of Maharashtra for execution of these agenda items.
1. Retrofit Govt. buildings for accessibility in phased manner. Allocate special budget
2. Develop incentive policy for inviting AT companies to state under “Make in India”
3. Top Down focus on creating “Inclusive Society”, govt commitment shown in all major policy initiatives
4. Update syllabus in school for understanding disability and better acceptance
5. Mobile library with brail, audio books and several other high cost learning devices
6. Update engineering, architect etc. courses to ensure inclusive professional decisions
7. Special drive with health department on prevention of disability and related training etc.
8. Provide aids, equipment etc. to empower individuals
9. Strict implementation of new RPWD bill once it becomes law
10. Fill out 3% reserved positions by investing into training if needed
11. Spread awareness among MLAs, IAS officers, collectors – capacity building
12. Upgrade transportation vehicles, bus stations for accessibility