Pranav Desai, Founder of Voice of Specially Abled People (VoSAP) met H’ble Prime minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi on Sep 26 2015 in Silicon Valley. During this 1:1 meeting, he presented the vision on Assistive Technology related opportunities for India and how Silicon Valley based Indian community can play a pivotal role to seize this Global Market Opportunity to help Specially Abled People in India to learn, perform duties at work etc. He also explained as how head mouse, mobile applications etc. are helping people in the US and how focused efforts, policy incentives by Govt. of India can attract these US based AT companies, social entrepreneurs to innovate to make it affordable for large scale consumption. H’ble Prime Minister listened and advised to send further details and work with PMO.
While waiting for the meeting with H’ble PM, Pranav Desai also met with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Satya Nadela, CEO of Microsoft. In brief conversation, the vision on Assistive Technology was shared and Sundar Pichai told that lot more needs to be done in this sector. With such a great support from eminent technology leaders for AT sector and with Prime Minister of India’s deep interest in helping Specially Abled People through technology solutions, we believe it is a historic opportunity for investors, innovators and social entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley to come together and work in Assistive Technology sector to thrust India as a world leader.